Things I Can Help You With To Save You Time & Money
Just so you know Accountants know how to do more than just your taxes. Most people hate bookkeeping, need financial planning & a business coach.
Let’s look at just seven things you need do, where I can save you time to do what you’re good at:
1 Strategise
One of the most important things you need to do: plan for your business’ future. You need expert help to set financial goals, identify your key performance indicators (KPIs), create strategies, provide milestones & accountability, improve the financial health of your business.
If you’re thinking of expanding your business, making changes, or thinking when you might want to sell up or retire, you will need expert help.
2 Cash Flow Management
For your business to grow you need expert help you to manage your business’s cash flow & funding. Tracking where your money is going, identify overspending & how to manage your working capital is not easy unless you know how to do it.
3 Debt Management
Not all debt is bad, your businesses need to borrow to grow. But it’s important to know how to manage your debt so that it doesn’t become a burden.
We can help you understand the different types ways you can fund your business, plan to pay off existing debt, negotiate with suppliers for you to help you get better terms, & be a valuable ally you’re struggling with debt.
4 Loan Applications
If you’re thinking of applying for a loan, you need advice you on what type of loan be a best fit for your business’ circumstances. Then you will need to put together a package of financial statements & documentation for your application to be successful. The there are terms & conditions of the loan, turn to us for your peace of mind.
5 Stock Management
If you hold stock, you need to manage it effectively to reduce the money tied up in it. Expert help with stock management can make a big difference to your cash flow: identifying areas for improvement, systems & software to track your stock levels, set alerts when stock needs to be replenished, reduce waste & obsolescence.
6 Increase Efficiency
To stay competitive your business need to streamline operations, increase efficiency, you need an expert to take a close look at your current systems & procedures, recommend improvements, implement new technologies to save you time & money.
7 Support You
You need a good listener, who takes the time to understand your individual needs & pain points, then provide you with targeted support & advice, tailored to your needs.
We can be a great sounding board for your ideas, helping you to flesh out your plans, identify potential problems, do some what if analysis & find creative solutions.
Final Thoughts
You need a valuable business partner, helping you to overcome challenges, grow your business & achieve your goals. You need help to plan your business life from starting up through to retirement & planned exit.
To find out more, why not contact us or book a meeting?